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Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Email Slicer in Python
We will slice the email address and get the username and domain using three different methods:
1) The conventional method of slicing
2) Using split function
3) Regex(Regular Library) Library
So, let's start looking at each method in detail with the code.
1) Slicing
First of all we will ask for the email-address. Then we will write two expressions to slice the email address each for username and domain.
Finally we will print the username and domain.
2) Using Split function
Here we will input the email-address. Then we will split the email address from '@' using just one statement. i.e. email.split('@'). It will split the string from '@' and return list. Then we will print the list
3)Using Regex
Here, we will first import the re module. Then we will ask for the user input (Email address to be sliced).
Then we will write a regular expression which will split our string from '@'. We can also split from more than one element by just adding more elements with a space with @. The print(result) will print a sliced list because the regex expression will return a list which is been splitted by '@'
For example if I want my email address to split from '.' and '#' too, then I will write the expression as follows,
Then we will print the list which was splitted, here specifically we will print using the f string. Although we can use any method to print. Below is the complete code for the Email Slicer using regex library
Monday, June 21, 2021
Set up Sublime-Text for Competitive Coding | C/C++,Python
Hii everyone! Setting up sublime text for competitive coding is easy but not at the very first try.
Today, your that first try will be made simpler and easier by bringing the right things in fron of you. This is specifically done for mac os x.
So let's get started.
1) C/C++
Step -1 : Create and save three files
1) input.in
2) output.in
3) hello.cpp / hello.c file
Step - 2 : Install gcc(GNU Compiler Collection) by running the command below in the terminal.
Install gcc -
If you already have gcc installed, check the version of gcc by
Now to install gtimeout, run the command
Since we will require gtimeout which is a part of coreutils library, we are installing coreutils.
As a next step, create a new build system using the following steps.
Tools->Build System->New Build System
Now copy the following code in the current file
Now, Save the buile fie with any name your want with an extension '.sublime-build'
For example, C++.sublime-build
Now setup the column view,
1) View -> Layout -> Columns: 3
2) View -> Group -> Max Columns: 2
Here's how it will look,
Now you're all set to go!
Write some code in .cpp/.c file, select the build system as C++, the one which you just created and write the input in inp.in file and run the code.
You will see the output in out.in.
Final setup
2) Python
For Python, if you already have created inp.in and out.in for C/C++, you don't need to create them again. And create the files if you have not already created them before.
Now, Create a .py file. For example, sample.py
1.Tools->Build System->New Build System
In the file, paste the code given below,
Now you can save the build file with any name like Python3.sublime-build.
Run the code in sample.py code, write th input in inp.in file and you will see the output in out.in
Friday, April 23, 2021
Insertion at the end of a Linked List
The new node will be added at the end of the linked list.
Linked List : 1➞ 2➞ 3➞ 4➞ NULL
Linked list : 1➞ 2➞ 3➞ 4➞ 5➞ NULL
Shown below is a simple visual representation of the insertion of a node at the end of a linked list...
Insertion at the end will be done in four steps,
1) create a new node i.e. temp
2) the next of temp should be NULL
3) Now, tail➞next = temp
4) Lastly, tail = temp
Also if there is no prior list created after which you want to insert a node, then, head = tail = temp since after inserting in a NULL list, you will be left with only one node, so head will be equal to tail.
Let's create a function that will contain the main logic for insertion.
The function end() will take an integer argument n which will contain the value we want to insert at the end of a linked list.
Now we will create a new node named temp and assign it the value n.
temp➞data will assign n to the node temp.
Now assigning NULL to the next of temp since it will be the last node of our linked list and it will point to NULL.
Also, let's write a condition for if there is no prior list already created. In that case it will assign head and tail to temp. Although, in our program, this will never happen because we are going to input five elements to create a linked list at the very beginning and then we will insert a new node at the end.
Otherwise if a list is already existing, then we eill assign the next to tail to temp and then assign temp to tail.
So, the complete function looks like the one given below,
Now, lets look at the complete program to insert a node at the end.
In the program below we have the following,
1) structure node
2) class linked_list
3) a constructor linked_list() inside the class linked_list to initialize the value of head and tail to NULL at the very beginning
4) a function end() to insert node at the end
5) a function display() to display the linked list
In the main() function, we are taking in 5 elements as an input to kind of create a new node which is though just inserting in the end the elements one after another. But for understanding purpose, assume it is creating a linked list having five nodes or five elements. Later then, we are inputting a value to be inserted at the end and then we are passing the value to the function end() and then displaying it by calling the function display().
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Insertion at the beginning of a Linked List
It was all going well until the pointers came in!
Has this statement ever crossed your mind?
But you should know that the pointer is an important concept to know. A pointer is used to implement a lot many things in C++. Linked List is one of them. Linked List uses pointers for its operation.
Today we will be looking at how to insert a node at the beginning of a Linked List.
In the picture below you can see, we want to insert node d at the beginning of the list given. To insert it at the beginning, we followed three steps,
1) create a new node i.e. temp
2) the next of temp should be head now
3) At last, head = temp
Now, the new node temp is inserted at the beginning.
Lets look at the code!
Below is the function for inserting at the beginning. It will take an integer argument which will contain the value to be inserted in the node that is to be inserted at the beginning.
In the function, at the very first, we will create a new node by the code given below. I will create a new node named temp.
Now we will assign the data n to the new node temp.
After assigning the data to the node now the next to temp should have the address of the current head of the linked list before which we want to insert the new node temp. We will do it by assigning temp->next = head,
Now that our node temp is holding the address of its next node, we will assign temp to head. Since now, the temp is the first node of our linked list.
So here we are done with inserting the node temp at the beginning of the linked list.
So the entire function looks like,
In the above code, display(head) is another function which is used to display the entire linked list. So lets take a brief look at display function.
Below give is the entire display function. This function takes in pointer as an argument. This pointer will bring the address of the node to be printed.Recursion is used hear where we again pass h->next to the function display until the value of the pointer is equal to NULL.
Now we will look at the entire program to insert a node at the beginning.
In the above program we have the following,
1) structure node
2) class linked_list
3) a constructor linked_list() inside the class linked_list to initialise the value of head and tail to NULL at the very beginning
4) a function front() to insert at the beginning
5) a function display() to display the linked list
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Tips to get more work done | Live a Quality Day
Procrastination might be the word that would have brought you here. We all exhibit procrastination but for different reasons. When we go to bed every night, not everyone sleeps happily and satisfactorily. Nowadays, a day in life is full of physical, mental, or emotional strain. It gets difficult to control our minds well in today's time.
So here I will be sharing few tips from my experience and a bit of research. If practiced daily, it can bring magnificent changes in one's life.
Wake Up early
Even if you are a late-night owl, you should give waking up early a chance. If by sleeping late you can manage your time well, then it is good. But if you are unable to head your time right, then it's time to try this out. By doing this, efficiency increases vastly. One is in a highly energized state in the morning, and it's the right time to feed your mind well. You are just a try away!
It might seem irrelevant, but it's certainly not. Meditation is a thing a person needs the most today. It is this thing that is neglected by most of us these days. Lack of proper awareness leads the way to not meditating despite knowing about the peace it provides. It provides immense benefits be it physical or mental. Just start meditating. Start every day with at least 15 minutes of mindful meditation. In the long run, this habit will prove to be worth.
To-do list for the day (15 minutes )
Prepare the list in the order of the most important things first. Doing hard work comes second but doing the right thing at the right time is very important. The actions you do will add in themselves a hundred times the value it has if you do it at the right time.
Write down tasks to be done in a diary. Noting down the list in a physical book would be helpful. You can also use Trello or stickies or some other online apps or websites for the same.
Start with Exercise
If you are new to this, you can start off by doing simple yogasanas, and then you can move to other sort of exercises later on. Start practicing at least 20 minutes to 30 minutes in the morning. Doing exercise will energize you for next 24 hours, it will increase your alertness, focus on things and make you active.
Give yourself time to start.
You don't need to keep yourself busy all day long but you can give yourself some time to start. By doing this, you can begin well, and you are more likely to complete the tasks you start this way.
Re-set your workplace
You need to re-set your workplace and clean it before you start working.
Re-set in a sense, keep things that you will need for the day easily accessible. Things that are not in need should not be on the working desk. Keep things organized. If we look at it other way, even if we might neglect small things that actually counts then ten things kept unorganized, and ten organized makes a huge difference.
It's time to start doing the work according to the plan. You don't need to stick to the schedule. Be flexible but make sure you do things.
Do what is most important first and set deadlines to ensure you don't give a lot of time to a single task of course depending on what the task in.
Do one thing at a time.
Here's the golden rule. Whatever the task you are doing, be it of your interest or not, make sure you do it with full of your attention. You never know what helps you when. If you are anyway spending time on something, then make sure you learn it wholly. For ensuring that, it would be good to do one thing at a time. Of course, you can multitask, but it depends on what type of task you are doing.
Tick the tasks done
This one is for motivation. By doing this, you will come by a feeling of satisfaction. You will be motivated to do more tasks and complete them.
Give yourself a treat.
When you are done with more than half the tasks, give yourself a small treat. The treat could be anything ranging from eating your favorite food to going out for a walk or rest or anything.
At the end of the day, after you complete all your tasks or maximum tasks of the day, take out some time for yourself and try to introspect. Introspection provides the knowledge of self one becomes self-aware. You become aware of your capabilities, weaknesses, strengths, and many more qualities which will never come before you in conventional life.
Great if you could prearrange your next day's schedule
It's a plus thing, great if you could do it, it will prove to be good.
Sleep at a chosen time daily
It is okay to sleep at a different times each day, but the variation should not be in hours. It might disturb your biological cycle as well as your mental health. Occasionally it is okay to stay up late at night at random days, but it should not become your daily habit as it might adversely affect you in the long run.
You should know sleep deprivation is also a thing. You might not feel it on the spot, or you may but it is in any way not a good thing.
Consistency is the key.
Only if consistency exists, the things mentioned above will be effective. To be consistent is a hard thing, and not everyone can do it. So start small and lead the way through.
Whatever new habit you build up, make sure don't get very strict on you. Be flexible and let it slowly become a part of your life, and don't rush. All that the change needs from you to happen is your determination and consistent action.
In the process, you mustn't just pass the time, all the same, spend and enjoy the time well because all you will go through or will have is present. And remember, it is only in the present you will prepare for the future, and it is only in the present will you live the future.
Make sure you live a quality day and a quality life!!!
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